Guided tours for schools

Visiting the City Hall is a good way for students to learn more about politics, history, and culture.

The guided tour includes at visit to all the main rooms at the City Hall.

  • The Blue Hall, where the Nobel banquet takes place.
  • The Council Chamber, where the Stockholm City Council hold their meetings.
  • The Gallery of the Prince, with a mural painted by Prince Eugen.
  • The Golden Hall, with its golden mosaics and historical depictions.

The guided tour takes approximately 45 minutes. 

Our guided tours for schools are aimed at students at elementary and high school level, as well as SFI. To ensure that the students have best possible visit, we recommend our guided tours from 9 years and up. 


It is possible to visit the City Hall with younger children. For preschools, we make the guided tour shorter and show only the Blue Hall and the Golden Hall. 

The guided tour takes approximately 30 minutes. 

Fees and payment

Preschools: 650 SEK
Elementary: 1 200 SEK
High schools: 1 200 SEK
SFI: 1 200 SEK

Two teachers enter for free. Additional teachers pay the regular adult price. The price is valid for groups of maximum 35 students. 

We accept credit card or such in Swedish currency. If you wish to pay by invoice, we ask that you send us your invoicing information in advance.

Booking requests

Contact the City Hall to book a guided tour for schools.


Explore the City Hall
